* Abbot. A priest exercising over a religious community of men a jurisdiction somewhat similar to that exercised by a bishop over his diocese.
* Abel. One of the sons of Adam, killed by his brother Cain.
* Absolution. The forgiveness of sins imparted by the priest in the sacrament of Penance.
* Abstinence. Refraining from food, particularly from meat.
* Acolyte. One who has received the fourth of the minor orders; also, one who serves Mass.
* Actual grace. A supernatural help from God, enabling man to perform a good act.
* Actual sin. Any willful thought, desire, word, action or omission forbidden by the law of God.
* Adam. The first man, the father of the entire human race.
* Adoration. Honor and praise given to someone, particularly to God.
* Adult. One who has attained maturity: One who has attained the use of reason?
* Advent. The penitential season set aside by the Church as a preparation for Christmas.
* Advocate. One who pleads for another? In this context, Jesus.
* Agility. One of qualities of a glorified body, enabling it to move rapidly from place to place.
* Agnus Dei. A waxen disk bearing the image of Our Lord as a lamb, blessed by the Pope; also a small portion of this disk, covered with cloth or silk.
* Alb. A long, white vestment of linen worn by sacred ministers in functions-for example, by the priest at Mass.
* All Saints' Day. A holyday of obligation to honor all the saints in heaven, November
* All Souls' Day. November 2, a day of special prayer for all the faithful departed.
* Almighty. Possessing all power, an attribute belonging to God alone.
* Altar. The table on which a sacrifice is offered.
* Amice. A vestment of white linen, worn by sacred ministers about the neck and shoulders.
* Angel. A created spirit, without body, having understanding and free will.
* Angelus. A prayer in remembrance of the Incarnation, recited at morning, noon and evening.
* Annunciation. The announcement by the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she was to be the Mother of God; commemorated on March 25.
* Annulment. A declaration by the Church that a marriage is invalid.
* Anti-Christ. A wicked man who is to appear on earth before the end of the world and oppose Christ and His Church.
* Apostasy. The rejection of the entire Christian faith by a baptized person.
* Apostle. One sent by another, particularly one of the twelve chosen disciples of Christ, whom He sent to preach the Gospel to all men.
* Apostolicity. One of the notes of the true Church, consisting of its unbroken connection with the Church founded by Christ on the apostles.
* Apparition. Something which becomes visible.
* Archbishop. A bishop enjoying a special dignity; usually the bishop presiding over a principal See, with several suffrage a bishops affiliated with him.
* Ascension. Our Lord's going up into heaven, by His own power. Aspiration. A short prayer, also called an ejaculation.
* Assumption. The taking up of our Blessed Lady into heaven, in body and in soul, by the power of God.
* Atheist. One who denies the existence of God?
* Atone. To make satisfaction to God's justice for sin and its punishment.
* Atonement. The act by which God's justice is satisfied, particularly that which Christ performed by His sufferings and death.
* Attribute. A quality belonging to a person or thing, such as the attributes of the Church.
* Attrition. Imperfect contrition, sorrow for sin based on a motive of faith inferior to love for God, particularly that which is based on the fear of punishment authority. The right to rule others.
* Balm. A sweet-smelling liquid, derived from a terebinth tree, used to make chrism for Confirmation.
* Banns. The public announcements in church of a forthcoming marriage.
* Baptism. The sacrament which gives our soul the new life of sanctifying grace, through the washing of the body with water in the name of the three Divine Persons.
* Baptism of blood. Martyrdom endured by an unbaptized person for the faith of Christ.
* Baptism of desire. An act of love for God made by an unbaptized person with the desire to do all that is necessary for his salvation.
* Baptize. To confer the sacrament of Baptism. Beatific vision. The privilege of the blessed in heaven, to see God face to face. Beatitude. Happiness, especially the supreme happiness of heaven.
* Beelzebub. One of the names of the leader of the bad angels.
* Being. Anything which exists; also, the act of existing.
* Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The function in which the priest blesses the people with the consecrated Host, enclosed in a vessel called the monstrance.
* Bethlehem. A small town near Jerusalem, where Christ was born in a stable. Bible. The collection of inspired writings of the Old and the New Testaments. Blasphemy. Insulting language against God or against holy things or persons.
* Blessed Sacrament. The Holy Eucharist, the sacrament containing Our Lord's body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Brilliancy. One of the qualities of a glorified body, by which it shines with heavenly light.
* Cain. Adam's oldest son, who killed his brother Abel.
* Calumny. The sin of injuring another's good name by falsehood.
* Calvary. The hill near Jerusalem on which Christ was crucified.
* Canon. The part of the Mass between the Sanctus and the Communion; also a law of the Church.
* Canon Law. The body of Church laws found in the Code of Canon Law. Canonize. To make an official declaration that a certain person is in heaven.
* Cardinal. A priest or bishop belonging to the group which advises the Pope and chooses a new Pope when the Pontiff dies.
* Cardinal virtues. The chief moral virtues-prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance.
* Catechism. A book of religious instruction, written in the form of questions and answers.
* Catechumen. A person preparing for Baptism.
* Catholic Action. The cooperation of the laity with their bishops in promoting the spiritual welfare of the Church.
* Ceremony. A sacred function, particularly one connected with the administration of a sacrament.
* Chalice. The cup used at Mass to contain the wine which is consecrated into the precious Blood of Christ.
* Character. A spiritual mark imprinted indelibly on the soul by Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders.
* Charity. The greatest of the theological virtues, by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God.
* Chastity. The virtue which disposes us to be pure in soul and in body; one of the vows taken by religious.
* Chasuble. The outer vestment worn by the priest at Mass.
* Chrism. A mixture of olive oil and balm, blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday, and used for Confirmation and certain other functions.
* Christmas. December 25, the feast of Our Lord's birth.
* Church. The congregation of all baptized persons, united in the same faith, the same sacrifice and sacraments, and obedience to the same spiritual authority; also, the building in which divine services are held. Churching. The blessing given to a woman after childbirth.
* Ciborium. The vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament is contained when reserved in the tabernacle for Holy Communion.
* Cincture. The cord worn by the priest about his waist to bind the alb.
* Citizen. A person who as a member of a civil society, owes allegiance to his government, and is entitled to protection from it.
* Citizenship. State or quality of being a citizen.
* Cleric. One engaged in the ministry of the Church, who has received at least the first tonsure.
* Commandment. A law.
* Community. A body of people living together under the same laws.
* Communion, Holy. See Holy Communion.
* Communion of Saints. The union of the faithful on earth, the blessed in heaven and the souls in purgatory with Christ as their Head.
* Confession. The telling of our sins to an authorized priest in order to obtain their forgiveness.
* Confessional. The grated enclosure in which the sacrament of Penance is ordinarily administered.
* Confessor. A priest who hears confessions; also, a male saint who was not a martyr.
* Confirmation. The sacrament by which we are made perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
* Consecration. A solemn blessing; in particular the change of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ; also the ceremony by which a priest becomes a bishop.
* Constitutive blessing. A blessing by which a person or a thing is rendered sacred.
* Consummation. A completion.
* Contrition. Sorrow for our sins from a supernatural motive, with a purpose of not sinning again.
* Cope. A vestment, like a long cape, worn by the priest at certain functions, particularly at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
* Corporal. The piece of blessed linen on which the Host and the chalice are placed at Mass.
* Corpus Christi. A feast celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday in honor of the Blessed Sacrament.
* Covetousness. An excessive desire of worldly possessions, one of the capital sins.
* Create. To make something out of nothing.
* Creator. God, who has made all things out of nothing.
* Creature. Something made out of nothing by God.
* Creed. A list of some of the more important Christian doctrines, drawn up and officially proclaimed by the Church.
* Cremation. The destruction of a corpse by burning.
* Cross. The instrument of death to which Christ was nailed; also, its representation.
* Crucifix. A cross bearing the image of Christ. Crucifixion. The nailing of Christ to the cross.
* Curate. A priest who assists a pastor in the care of his parish.
* Cursing. Language calling down some evil on a person, place or thing.
* Deacon. A man who has received the Holy Order next below the priesthood, and is thereby appointed to assist the priest at Mass and at other sacred functions.
* Deliberate. With full knowledge and full consent of the will.
* Depute. To give a person authority or power to perform a certain task.
* Despair. The refusal to trust that God will give us the necessary help for the salvation of our soul.
* Detraction. The sin of making known the hidden faults of another without a good reason.
* Devil. A bad angel; particularly, the leader of the wicked angels, Lucifer.
* Diocese. A portion of the universal Church, governed by a bishop.
* Diriment impediment. A circumstance, arising from the law of God or of the Church that renders a marriage null and void.
* Disciple. One who is a follower and pupil of another; particularly, one who is a follower of Christ.
* Dispensation. The act by which a superior frees a person from the obligation of obeying a law.
* Dispense. To give a dispensation.
* Dispositions. The soul's preparation for the worthy reception of a sacrament.
* Distraction. A thought or imaginary picture, during prayer, on some matter not connected with the prayer.
* Divine. Belonging to God or coming from God or directed to God.
* Divine Office. The official prayer of the Church, recited daily by priests and religious.
* Divine tradition. Revealed truths given to the Church by word of mouth only, not through the Bible.
* Divorce. The breaking of the bond of marriage in such a way that the parties are regarded as free to contract another marriage. Doctrine. A truth pertaining to faith or to morals.
* Doxology. The prayer "Glory be to the Father, etc."; also applied to the Gloria in the Mass.
* Easter. The day of Our Lord's resurrection from the dead, or its annual commemoration.
* Easter Time. The period during which Catholics are bound to receive Holy Communion; in the United States it lasts from the first Sunday in Lent to Trinity Sunday.
* Ecclesiastical. Related to the Church.
* Ecumenical council. A council of bishops representing the entire Catholic Church, under the presidency of the Pope or of his special delegates.
* Ejaculation. A short prayer, also known as an aspiration.
* Elevation. A solemn ceremony in the Mass, consisting of the raising aloft by the priest of the consecrated Host and Chalice, immediately after the Consecration.
* Ember Days. Three days of fast and abstinence, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, in each of the four seasons of the year.
* Encyclical letter. A letter on some important matter sent by the Pope to the faithful through the bishops.
* Envy. One of the capital sins, sorrow at another's good fortune.
* Epiphany. The feast celebrating the visit of the Wise Men to the Infant Jesus, January 6.
* Episcopal. Pertaining to a bishop.
* Epistle. An inspired letter written by one of the apostles and contained in the New Testament.
* Eternity. Duration without beginning, end or change, possessed by God alone; also duration without end, such as is possessed by angels and human souls.
* Eucharist. The sacrament of Christ's body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Evangelical Counsels. The virtues of poverty, chastity and obedience, practiced in accordance with the counsel of Christ.
* Evangelist. One who brings good tidings, a term applied to the four writers of the Gospel in the New Testament.
* Evil spirits. The fallen angels, or devils.
* Evolution. The development of a higher form of being from a lower; according to some non-Catholics, human beings were developed in this way from animals. Examination of conscience. The act of recalling our sins in order to confess them properly.
* Excommunication. A penalty inflicted by the Church for a grave crime, excluding one from certain Catholic rights, such as the reception of the sacraments.
* Existence. The act of being.
* Exorcism. A formula employed by the Church against the attacks of the devil.
* Exorcist. One who has received the third of the minor orders, giving him the power to pronounce exorcisms?
* Extreme Unction. The sacrament for those in danger of death, from sickness or accident or old age, conferred through the anointing with oil and the prayer of the priest.
* Faith. The first of the theological virtues, disposing one to believe all that God has revealed because of the authority of God revealing, who can neither deceive nor be deceived!
* Faithful. The members of the Catholic Church.
* Faithful departed. Members of the Church who have passed away and are in purgatory.
* Fast day. A day on which only one full meal is permitted.
* Fathers of the Church. Saintly writers who lived in the early centuries and gave testimony to the Church's belief and tradition.
* Finite. Limited; the opposite of Infinite.
* First tonsure. The ceremony by which a man becomes a cleric; consisting in the cutting of his hair by the bishop and in certain words pronounced by the recipient.
* Form. The words pronounced by the one administering a sacrament.
* Fortitude. One of the cardinal virtues, disposing one to do what is good in spite of difficulty.
* Foster father. One who takes the place of a real father in the bringing up of a child? Freemason. A member of a secret society of that name.
* Free will. The power to choose, according to our own wish, either to perform an action or not to perform it.
* Fruitful reception of a sacrament. A reception of the sacrament which at once confers grace on the soul.
* Fruits of the Holy Ghost. Good works, bringing sweetness and joy, performed under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
* Function. A ceremony or religious service.
* General Confession. A confession that includes the sins told in previous confessions, either of one's whole life or of a portion of it.
* General Judgment. The judgment that Our Lord will pass on all men at the end of the world.
* Genuflection. An act of reverence, consisting of the bending of the knee or of both knees to the ground.
* Ghost (gost). Spirit; generally applied to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Ghost.
* Gifts of the Holy Ghost. Habits infused together with sanctifying grace, helping one with the assistance of the Holy Ghost to know and to do the will of God.
* God. The Supreme Being, self-existing and infinitely perfect, who created all things.
* Godchild. One for whom a person has acted as sponsor, or godparent, at Baptism or Confirmation.
* Godparent. A sponsor, who accepts the responsibility of caring for the spiritual welfare of one baptized or confirmed if the parents die or neglect this duty.
* Golgotha. Mount Calvary, the place near Jerusalem where Christ died.
* Good Friday. The day on which Christ died, and also its annual commemoration.
* Gospel. The account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ contained in the New Testament, written by Ss. Matthew, Mark, and John.
* Grace. A supernatural gift of God, given us through the merits of Christ, for our salvation.
* Guardian Angel. The angel appointed by God to watch over us in a special manner.
* Habitual Grace. A name for sanctifying grace, since it remains as a habit in the soul.
* Hail Mary. The Angelical Salutation, the Church's chief prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, so called because its first words are the Archangel Gabriel's greeting to Our Lady.
* Hallowed. Made holy.
* Heaven. The place and state of everlasting happiness in the next life; our eternal home with God, our Father.
* Heir. One who has a right to an inheritance from his father? Hell. The place and state of everlasting punishment in the next life.
* Heresy. The obstinate denial of one or more of the truths of divine revelation by one professing to be a Christian.
* High Mass. A Mass in which certain portions are chanted by the celebrant.
* Holiness. Sanctity, one of the marks of the true Church of Christ.
* Holy Communion. The receiving of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, as spiritual nourishment for the soul.
* Holy Eucharist. The sacrament which really contains the body and blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Holy Ghost. The third Person of the Blessed Trinity, who proceeds from the Father and the Son; the Soul of the Catholic Church.
* Holy Orders. The sacrament by which men receive the grace and the power to perform the sacred duties of bishops, priests and other ministers of the Church.
* Holy Saturday. The Saturday of Holy Week, the vigil of Easter.
* Holyday of obligation. A feast day on which the Church obliges us to hear Mass and to abstain from servile work.
* Hope. The second of the theological virtues, disposing us to trust that God, because of His power, mercy and fidelity, will give us eternal happiness and the means to obtain it. Hosts. A very large number.
* Humeral veil. The veil which drapes the priest's shoulders, arms, and hands at Benediction and at certain other functions.
* Humility. The virtue which disposes us to acknowledge our limitations. Idolatry. The sin of worshiping a creature as god.
* Immaculate Conception. The unique privilege conferred on the Blessed Virgin, whereby she was preserved from original sin from the first moment of her existence in view of the merit, of her Divine Son.
* Immodesty. A sin against the sixth commandment, which is liable to lead to impurity.
* Immortal. That which will never die.
* Impassibility. One of the qualities of a glorified body, whereby it is free from suffering and death impediment. See marriage impediment.
* Imperfect contrition. Sorrow for sin out of a supernatural motive inferior to love of God; also called attrition.
* Imperfection. A slight moral defect or a venial sin.
* Impurity. The sin of unlawful sexual gratification, forbidden by the sixth commandment of God.
* Incarnation. The union of the second Person of the Blessed Trinity with a human nature.
* Inclination. Leaning toward.
* Indefectibility. The attribute of the Church whereby it will last, as Christ founded it, until the end of time.
* Indelible. That which cannot be blotted out.
* Index of Forbidden Books. The catalogue prepared by the Holy Office in Rome, listing the books which Catholics are explicitly forbidden to read.
* Indifferentism. The theory that all religions are good, so that it makes no difference which religion a person practices.
* Indulgence. The remission of temporal punishment due to sins already forgiven granted by the Church from her spiritual treasury.
* Indwelling. Abiding within a person or thing, such as the constant presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church.
* Infallibility. The attribute of the Church whereby it is preserved from error in faith or morals by the special assistance of the Holy Ghost.
* Infidelity. Refusal to accept the Christian faith. Infinite. Without limit or measure; applied strictly to God alone.
* Infusion. A pouring in or upon; applied to one of the methods of baptizing; also to the giving of grace and supernatural habits to the soul by God.
* Inspiration. Enlightenment from God: particularly that given to the persons who wrote the Bible.
* Intention. An act of the will purposing to do something, such as to administer a sacrament.
* Invalid. Not real or genuine, applied especially to a ceremony intended to be a sacrament, but which because of some defect does not constitute a real sacrament.
* Invocative blessing. A blessing given by the Church to a person, either directly, or indirectly through the use of some object, such as the blessing of a house.
* Israelites. The Jewish people.
* Jesus. A name meaning "Saviour" the name of the Son of God as Man.
* Joseph, Saint. The husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus Christ.
* Jubilee indulgence. An indulgence granted every 25 years, and on other special occasions, by the Pope.
* Judgment. The appearance of the soul before God to be rewarded or punished for its good or evil deeds, which will take place twice-immediately after death (particular judgment) and at the end of the world (general judgment).
* Jurisdiction. Authority or power; particularly, the Church's power to teach and to rule the faithful.
* Justice. One of the cardinal virtues, disposing us to render to everyone what is due to him.
* Kingdom of Heaven. The place and state of happiness in the life to come; also (especially in the parables of Christ) the Church, which brings men to eternal happiness.
* Kingship of Christ. Our Lord's authority, even as Man over the entire universe, which is commemorated by the feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of October.
* Laity. Those members of the Church who do not belong to the clergy or to the religious state.
* Latin Church. That portion of the Catholic Church which uses Latin in its liturgy. Laxity. Carelessness and lack of fervor in the practice of religion.
* Lent. The penitential season lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, as a remembrance of Christ's fast in the desert and a preparation for Easter.
* Liberality. A moral virtue which disposes us to use worldly goods rightly and generously.
* Liberal works. Occupations of an intellectual, cultural or artistic nature, permitted on Sundays and holydays of obligation.
* Limbo. The place or state of rest where under the Old Testament the souls of the just who had died before the time of Christ, awaited the Redemption; also, the state or place where infants who die without Baptism enjoy for all eternity a natural happiness.
* Litany. A form of prayer to Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin or the saints, consisting of a series of invocations and petitions.
* Liturgy. The official ceremonies of the Church; in the Oriental churches, the Sacrifice of Our Lord's body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Liturgical. Pertaining to the official ceremonies of the Church.
* Low Mass. A Mass celebrated by a priest unassisted by deacon or subdeacon, and without chant.
* Low Sunday. The first Sunday after Easter.
* Lucifer. The leader of the rebellious angels, also called Beelzebub.
* Magnificent. The prayer of praise uttered by the Blessed Virgin on the occasion of her visit to St. Elizabeth. Manifest. To show plainly.
* Maniple. The vestment worn by sacred ministers on the left arm at certain functions, such as the Mass.
* Marks of the church. Certain clear signs by which all men can recognize the true Church of Christ.
* Marriage. The permanent union of a man and woman as husband and wife; also, the contract by which they enter this union.
* Marriage impediment. A circumstance determined by the law of God or of the Church which, if present, renders a marriage unlawful or even null and void.
* Martyr. A person who allows himself to be put to death in testimony of the Christian faith or some other Christian virtue.
* Mass. The unbloody sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ, renewing the sacrifice of Calvary.
* Matrimony. The sacrament of Christian marriage.
* Matter. The things or human actions employed in the making of a sacrament.
* Mediator. One who reconciles two parties that have been in disagreement; usually applied to Our Lord, who reconciled men with God?
* Mediatrix. A female mediator; usually applied to the Blessed Virgin because she cooperated with Jesus Christ, the Mediator, in reconciling men with God.
* Meditation. Mental prayer, not expressed in words.
* Medium. A person claiming to communicate with the spirits of the dead.
* Melchisedech. A priest of ancient times who offered sacrifice of bread and wine; hence, Christ is called a priest according to the order of Melchisedech, because He offered a sacrifice of His body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Merit. The claim to a reward arising from good deeds; also, a good deed deserving of reward.
* Messias. The Saviour expected by the Jews.
* Ministry. The performance of a sacred office by one specially chosen for it.
* Miracle. An extraordinary effect, surpassing the powers of nature, perceptible to the human senses, having God as its chief author.
* Missal. The book used by the priest for the celebration of Mass; also, a smaller edition or a translation for the use of the laity.
* Mixed marriage. The marriage of a Catholic with a non-Catholic.
* Monsignor. A title conferred on a priest by the Pope, usually at the request of the bishop, giving the right to wear purple, like a bishop.
* Monstrance. A large sacred vessel, with a glass-covered opening in the center, to contain the Blessed Sacrament during Benediction. Moral virtue. A virtue disposing us to lead moral lives by treating persons and things according to the will of God.
* Mortal sin. A grave offense against God's law, which brings spiritual death to the soul by depriving it of its supernatural life, sanctifying grace.
* Mortification. Self-denial. Mystery. A truth which we cannot, fully understand.
* Mystical Body. A term for the Church with Christ as its Head, because of its resemblance to the living human body.
* Nature. That which constitutes a being, and is its principle of action.
* Nazareth. A village in Galilee, the home of the Holy Family. Null and void. Worthless, not genuine.
* Nuptial Blessing. The special blessing given the bride at the conclusion of the Pater Noster in the Mass for a bridal couple.
* Nuptial Mass. The special Mass celebrated for a bridal couple immediately after their marriage.
* Oath. The calling on God to witness to the truth of what we say or to the sincerity of a promise.
* Obedience. The virtue which disposes us to do the will of our superiors.
* Obsession. The tormenting of a person by the devil.
* Occasion of sin. A person, place or thing that is liable to lead one into sin.
* Offertory. That part of the Mass in which the bread and wine are offered up to God in anticipation of their change into the body and blood of Christ.
* Oriental Rites. The liturgical ceremonies carried out among Oriental Christians in a manner somewhat different from that employed in the Latin Church and in some of the languages of the East, such as Armenian, Greek or Syrian.
* Our Father. The prayer taught us by our Lord, beginning with the words: "Our Father."
* Original sin. The privation of sanctifying grace with which we come into the world as a result of Adam's sin.
* Ostensorium. A large sacred vessel with a glass-covered opening in the center, containing the Blessed Sacrament in the form of a large Host, during Benediction to be seen by the worshippers; also called a monstrance.
* Pall. A linen-covered card, used to cover the chalice at Mass.
* Palm Sunday. The Sunday immediately preceding Easter, when the Church commemorates the triumphant entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, just before His Passion, on which occasion the people strewed palms before Him as a mark of reverence.
* Paraclete. A designation of the Holy Ghost; The Comforter. Parish priest. A priest in charge of a parish, or portion of a diocese; sometimes called a pastor.
* Partial indulgence. The remission of a part of the temporal punishment due to one's forgiven sins, effected by the Church through the application of her spiritual treasury.
* Particular Judgment. The judgment that each soul undergoes before God immediately after death.
* Paschal. Connected with Easter-for example, the paschal candle, lighted for the first time on the vigil of Easter.
* Passion of Christ. The sufferings of Our Blessed Saviour, ending with His death on the cross.
* Pastor. Literally, a shepherd; applied to a parish priest with reference to his parish, also to a bishop with reference to his diocese and to the Pope with reference to the universal Church.
* Paten. The golden plate on which the sacred Host is placed at Mass. patience. A moral virtue which disposes us to bear up under difficulties and trials.
* Patriotism. A moral virtue which disposes us to honor, love, respect and help our country.
* Paul, Saint. One of the apostles, chosen by Our Lord through a vision after His Ascension.
* Penance. The virtue disposing us to be sorry for our sins. Also, one of the sacraments, whereby sins committed after Baptism are forgiven by the absolution of the priest to sinners who confess them with true contrition.
* Pentecost. The seventh Sunday after Easter, commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles.
* Perfect contrition. The contrition based on love of God which restores a sinner to the state of grace even before he goes to confession.
* Perjury. The grave sin committed by one who takes an oath to what he believes to be false.
* Person. An intellectual being, independent and distinct from others.
* Peter, Saint. The apostle chosen by Christ to be the chief of the apostles and the first Pope.
* Peter's pence. The annual offering made by the faithful to the Pope, the successor of St. Peter.
* Piety. One of the gifts of the Holy Ghost; (2) a virtue disposing one to honor his parents; (3) in a general sense, the combination of religious virtues.
* Plenary indulgence. The remission of all the debt of one's temporal punishment, granted by the Church through the application of her spiritual treasury.
* Pontifical Mass. A solemn Mass celebrated by a bishop or other high dignitary of the Church.
* Pontiff. A bishop; often applied to the Sovereign Pontiff, the Pope.
* Poor souls. The souls in purgatory.
* Porter. One who has received the first of the minor orders?
* Positive laws. Laws added to the natural law, either by God or by human superiors.
* Possession. The indwelling of the devil in a person's body, with a measure of power over the person's faculties.
* Prayer. The lifting up of our minds and hearts to God.
* Preface. The portion of the Mass immediately preceding the Canon, in which thanks are given to God for His blessings.
* Presbyter. A priest who is not a bishop.
* Presumption. A sin against hope, whereby a person trusts that he can be saved by his own efforts without God's help, or by God's help without his own efforts. Priest. A man with the power to offer sacrifice.
* Privileged altar. An altar to which the Church has attached a privilege, whereby a plenary indulgence is granted to any soul in purgatory for whom Mass is celebrated on that altar.
* Promised Land. The land of Canaan, or Palestine, which God promised to the Jewish people when they were led by Moses out of Egypt.
* Prophet. A person chosen by God to announce His message to man, particularly things that are to come.
* Providence. God's loving care over us.
* Prudence. One of the cardinal virtues, disposing us to form right judgments in all circumstances about what we must do or not do.
* Purgatory. The state in the life to come where souls are punished for a time who have died in venial sin or with a debt of temporal punishment unpaid.
* Purificator. A linen cloth used by the priest at Mass to wipe the chalice and his mouth and fingers after communion.
* Purpose of amendment. The firm resolution not to sin again, which is included in true contrition.
* Rash judgment. A sin against the eighth commandment, whereby a person without sufficient reason believes something harmful to another's character.
* Real Presence. The presence of Jesus Christ, truly, really and substantially in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist under the appearances of bread and wine.
* Redeemer. One who releases a captive by paying the price of his ransom; particularly Our Lord, Jesus Christ, who released us from the captivity of sin by offering His sufferings and death to His heavenly Father, as the price of our ransom?
* Redemption. The act of redeeming us, performed by our Blessed Lord.
* Relic. Something belonging to, or connected with Our Lord or the Saints, such as a portion of their bodies or a garment they wore.
* Religion. The beliefs, laws and ceremonies by which men honor and serve God; also, the virtue disposing us to honor and serve God properly.
* Religious. A member of an order or congregation approved by the Church, bound to serve God by the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
* Remorse. Anguish of soul because of sin.
* Repentance. Contrition for past sin.
* Requiem Mass. A special Mass celebrated for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed at which black vestments are worn.
* Resurrection. The restoration of a dead body to its life of physical completeness by its reunion with the soul to which it was formerly joined.
* Revelation. The direct manifestation of truth by God to man; also, the body of truths thus manifested.
* Rite. A religious ceremony, or a collection of ceremonies.
* Rosary. A prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, composed of decades of one Our Father and ten Hail Marys each, arranged in three series-the joyful, the sorrowful and the glorious mysteries-each series being composed of five decades; also, the string of beads on which these prayers are counted. Sabbath. The seventh day of the week, the Lord's Day in the Old Testament. Sacrament. An outward sign instituted by Christ, with the power to give grace.
* Sacramental grace. A special grace given by each sacrament helping the recipient to carry out the particular purpose of that sacrament.
* Sacramentals. Holy things or actions of which the Church makes use to obtain for us from God through her intercession spiritual and temporal favors.
* Sacred Scripture. The inspired writings of the Old and New Testaments, also called the Bible.
* Sacrifice. The offering of a victim to God by a priest and its destruction in some way, to acknowledge that God is the Creator and Lord of all things.
* Sacrilege. A sin against the first commandment, committed when a person mistreats sacred persons, places or things.
* Saint. In a general sense, anyone in the state of grace; in a more limited sense, one who is in heaven?
* Salvation. The attaining of the happiness of heaven.
* Samaria. One of the regions of Palestine; also, the chief city of that region. Sanctification. The acquiring of sanctifying grace.
* Sanctifying grace. The grace that confers on our souls a new life that is a sharing in the life of God himself.
* Sanctuary. That portion of the church, cut off from the body of the church, in which the altar is situated and the sacred functions performed.
* Satan. One of the names of the leader of the bad angels.
* Satisfaction. What is given to God to pay for the debt of sin or of its punishment, particularly the sufferings of Christ?
* Saviour. One who saves others, particularly Jesus Christ, who saved us from the effects of sin?
* Scandal. A sin against the virtue of charity, whereby a person furnishes the occasion of sin to another.
* Scapular. A garment worn by some religious, in front and back over the shoulders; also, a miniature form of this garment, blessed and indulgenced, to be worn by the faithful.
* Scripture. The inspired writings of the Old and the New Testament.
* Scriptural. Having to do with the Scripture.
* Scruple. An unreasonable fear of sin, based on false ideas of the moral law or on a false application of that law.
* Scrupulous. Unreasonably anxious about sin, judging things to be unlawful which are not wrong.
* See. The place in which a bishop resides and rules his diocese.
* Self-existing. Not owing existence to any other being, a perfection of God alone. Seminary. An institution in which men are prepared for the priesthood.
* Servile work. Work which requires labor of body rather than of mind; the type of work forbidden on Sundays and holydays of obligation.
* Sin. The transgression of God's law; also, as applied to original sin, the privation of sanctifying grace consequent on Adam's transgression.
* Slander. A sin against the eighth commandment, whereby a person injures the good name of another by false statements.
* Sloth. One of the capital sins, laziness of mind or of body which causes a person to neglect his duties.
* Soul. The principle of life; in man an immortal spirit, endowed with intelligence and free will.
* Solemn Baptism. The administration of the sacrament of Baptism with the various ceremonies prescribed by the Church and with specially consecrated water.
* Solemn Mass. A Mass, portions of which are chanted, and in which the celebrating priest is assisted by a deacon and a subdeacon.
* Spirit. An immortal being having understanding and free will, but no body, such as God or an angel.
* Spiritism. The practice of trying to get into communication with the souls of the dead.
* Spiritist. A person who claims to communicate with the souls of the dead.
* Spiritual. Having to do with the spirit or the soul, particularly the soul of man, as in the expression "spiritual welfare."
* Sponsor. One who assumes responsibilities toward another, such as a godparent in Baptism or Confirmation?
* Stipend. An offering given on the occasion of a sacred function, particularly that given to a priest by the one for whose intentions the priest offers Mass.
* Stole. A vestment worn about the neck by a bishop, priest or deacon at sacred functions, either crossed over the breast or hanging down.
* Subdeacon. A man who has received the first of the major orders.
* Successor. One who follows another in holding an office?
* Sunday. The first day of the week, celebrated as the Lord's Day in the New Testament.
* Superabundant satisfactions. Good works performed with the power to make satisfaction for the temporal punishment due to sin, which are not needed by the person who performs them, and which accordingly go into the treasury of the Church to be dispensed in the form of indulgences.
* Supernatural. Related to God in those aspects of His divine nature which can be known only from revelation, chiefly the Divine Trinity.
* Supreme. Above all others; the highest.
* Superstition. A sin against the first commandment, committed when a person attributes to a creature a power which belongs to God alone.
* Symbol. A sign of something; for example, marriage is a symbol of the union between Christ and the Church.
* Tabernacle. The compartment, usually placed in the middle of the altar, in which the Blessed Sacrament is kept.
* Temperance. One of the cardinal virtues, disposing a person to control his desires and to use rightly the things that please his senses. Temple. A sacred building, destined for divine worship.
* Temporal punishment. The punishment which one is obliged to endure for a time, either in this life or in purgatory, for sins that have been forgiven.
* Temptation. An urge to commit sin, coming either from our own nature or from the world or from the devil.
* Theology. The sacred science about God and divine things.
* Tithes. A tenth of one's income, the offering which Catholics formerly were obliged to contribute to the Church.
* Tonsure. The cutting of the hair, constituting the ceremony by which a man enters the clerical state, known specifically as the first tonsure; by the law of the Church the clergy in Catholic countries are afterward supposed to keep a portion of the head shaved.
* Tradition. Doctrines handed down without being put in writing; particularly divine tradition, which was given to the Church by Christ and His apostles only by word of mouth, not through the Bible, though later it was put in writing by the Fathers of the Church.
* Transubstantiation. The change of the entire substance of bread into the body of Christ and of the entire substance of wine into His blood, while the appearances of bread and wine remain-the change effected by Christ through the ministry of His priest at the sacrifice of the Mass.
* Trespasses. Offenses, injuries.
* Trinity. Three divine Persons in one God.
* Trinity Sunday. The first Sunday after Pentecost, the last day for the fulfillment of the Easter duty in the United States.
* Unction. An anointing, especially that which is given with holy oil in certain sacraments, such as Extreme Unction.
* Understanding. The power to think and to judge.
* Unity. The quality by which a being is one, such as the unity of God; or made one, such as the unity of the Church.
* Universality. The quality of the Church by which it is destined for all times and for all nations, and actually fulfills this destiny.
* Valid. Genuine, real; particularly in the case of the administration of a sacrament, when it is truly received by the person to whom it is applied.
* Veil. A cloth covering, particularly the humeral veil used by the priest to cover his shoulders, arms and hands when he gives Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; also, the chalice veil and the tabernacle veil.
* Venial sin. A transgression of God's law in some slight matter, or even in a serious matter when the sinner believes it is only slightly wrong or does not give full consent.
* Veracity. A moral virtue, disposing us to tell the truth.
* Vestments. Special garments worn by the ministers of the Church in sacred functions.
* Viaticum. Holy Communion received by a person in danger of death.
* Vicar. One who represents another; particularly the Pope, who represents Christ in the government of the Church and is called the Vicar of Jesus Christ?
* Vicar general. A priest appointed by a bishop to help him in the government of his diocese, and for this purpose sharing in the bishop's jurisdiction.
* Victim. The thing which is offered and in some way destroyed in a sacrifice.
* Vigil. The day immediately preceding a great feast; sometimes a day of fast and abstinence.
* Virtue. A habit of doing well.
* Vocal. Pronounced with the organs of speech; particularly applied to prayer recited with the lips and tongue, as distinct from merely mental prayer.
* Vocation. A special call from God to a higher form of life, to the priesthood or to the religious life.
* Vow. A deliberate promise made to God by which a person binds himself under pain of sin to do something especially pleasing to God.
* Way of the Cross. A devotion in remembrance of the passion of Christ portrayed by fourteen representations of incidents connected with it, each surmounted by a wooden cross; to make the devotion one visits each of the crosses, meditating on the passion of Christ.
* Wedlock. The state of matrimony.
* Whitsunday. An old name for Pentecost.
* Willful. With full consent of the will.
* Winding-sheet. The cloth in which a dead body is wrapped; particularly the shroud in which Our Lord's body was wrapped.
* Witness. One who sees an occurrence and is able to give testimony about it.
* Works of mercy. Certain especially good deeds, performed from a supernatural motive, for the benefit of our fellowmen, such as visiting the sick.
* Worship. Testimony of reverence and submission to another, particularly the homage we give to God.